Learning Session 3 Search Engine & Online Database

Day :Tuesday

Date :13/6/2017

Topic : Search Engines & Online Database

A web tool that allows users to enter keywords and find information on websites contained in its database.

Search engines like Google or Yahoo uses software that collects data from the web to include in its database.

Each search engines has its own database.

4 parts of Search Engine:
  • Database to store references to webpages 
  1. Storage where all indexed webpages are stored.
  2. Contains only essential information of a webpage
  3. This is where the user's query is matched. 
  • Web-crawlers to find and compile indexes of web pages
  1. Automated program/bot
  2. "Crawls" all over the web page collecting information
  3. Information is indexed and stored in database.
  • User Interface
  1. User-friendly app/site/page where users may input query and search results are presented.
  • Information Retrieval System.
  1. A system used to match the user's query to indexed webpages found in database.
  2. Results presented in rank according to relevance.
Specialized search engines such as Google Scholar, Education World, Art Cyclopedia and Pipl.com.

Meta Search Engine.

A search engine that matches the user's query to multiple search engines. (MetaCrawler, SavvySearch, Dogpile)

3 types of web

Surface web such as Bing, Google, and wikipedia.

Deep Web (Academic information,medical records,legal documents,social media, etc.)

Dark Web (Political Protests, Illegal Information, Drug Trafikking Sites, etc)

For this topic, we learn about a web tool that allow users to enter key words and find information on website contained in its database. Unfortunately, I don't fully understand this topic as it is quite complicated. I do understand some of them for example the search engine because I use it quite often.
One of the things that i like is the 3 types of web.. we have a deep web, dark web and the surface web.. dark web is the use for illegal use such as drug trafficking and for the deep web is academic purpose and for surface web the use of search engine..If we want to use the dark web we need to use the TOR BROWSER


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